이수구분 세부구분 학수번호 교과목명 학점(시간) 일반공통과목 필수 GRA 506 GRA 507 STE 501 GLB 501 PUP 501 CUS 501 CUS 502 Data Science와AI개념 인공지능개론 데이터사이언스를위한통계분석 데이터기반연구조사방법론 데이터베이스연구조사방법론 데이터기반논문작성 4차산업시대의인문학 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 기초공통과목 NOK 506 NOK 507 NOK 508 NOK 509 NOK 510 NOK 511 NOK 512 NOK 513 남북한통일정책과시나리오연구 (Research of Unification Policies and Scenarios) 사회주의경제학과주체경제론 (Socialist Economics and Juche Economics) 북한학연구방법론(Methodology of North Koreanology) 조선로동당발달사연구 (History of The Development of the Korean Workers' Party) 북한의리더십연구(North Korea's Leadership) 민족분단과국제정세 (The National Division and International Relations) 북한안보연구(North Korea and Security) 북한통치이데올로기(North Korean Ruling Ideology) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 전공과목 NOK 601 NOK 602 NOK 603 NOK 604 NOK 605 NOK 606 NOK 607 NOK 608 NOK 609 NOK 610 NOK 701 NOK 702 NOK 703 NOK 704 NOK 705 NOK 706 NOK 707 NOK 708 NOK 801 NOK 802 NOK 803 NOK 804 NOK 805 NOK 806 NOK 807 NOK 808 NOK 809 NOK 810 NOK 811 NOK 812 NOK 813 NOK 814 NOK 816 NOK 901 NOK 903 NOK 904 NOK 905 NOK 906 NOK 907 NOK 908 NOK 909 NOK 910 NOK 911 NOK 912 NOK 913 NOK 914 NOK 915 NOK 916 NOK 920 한국공산주의운동사 (History of the Korean Communist Movement) 북한정치체제론 (North Korea's Political System) 북한행정제도론 (Public Administration in North Korea) 북한경제구조와발전정책론 (North Korea's Economic System & Development Policies) 남북경제협력과대북투자론 (Methodology of Economic Cooperation and Investment) 북한사회구조와관리론 (Social System & Control in North Korea) 북한의언어이론과국어정책론 (North Korean Linguistic and Language Policy) 북한문학의작가・작품론 (North Korean Literature and Major Writers) 북한문학사 (History of North Korean Literature) 북한예술론 (North Korean Arts) 북한종교론 (Religion in North Korea) 북한언론연구 (Mass Media Policy in North Korea) 북한의과학기술발달론 (Science & Technology in North Korea) 북한의농업경제론 (North Korean Agricultural Economy) 북한의학교교육론 (North Korean School Education) 북한법연구 (North Korean Constitution and Law) 북한인권정책및탈북자문제연구 (Research on North Korean Human Rights and Refugee Issues) 북한엘리트연구 (North Korea's Elite) 북한군사론 (North Korean Military System and Policy) 북한외교정책론 (North Korean Foreign Policy) 남북전쟁시나리오연구 (War Scenarios on the Korean Peninsula) 북한지리와관광정책론 (North Korean Geography and Tourism) 남북한현안문제세미나 (Seminar on Current Issues between South and North Korea) 분단・통일현장연구 (Field Study on the Division and Unification of Korea) 남북통일과해외동포 (Overseas Koreans and the Unification of Korea) 분단국통일사례연구 (Unification Case Studies of Divided Nations) 사회주의국가의경제체제전환론 (Socialist Economy in Transition) 북한사회조사방법론 (Survey Study of North Korean Society) 북한영화론 (North Korean Films) 북한여성론 (North Korean Women) 남북관계법및통일법세미나(SEMINAR ON INTER-KOREAN LAW AND UNIFICATION LAW) 한반도와국제법(KOREAN PENINSULA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW) 북한제도연구(North Korean Institutions) 남북한통합모델연구1 (Basic Model for Economic Integration) 남북한통합모델연구3 (Basic Model for Social and Cultural Integration) 남북한통합모델연구4 (Basic Model for Military Integration) 북한정치・행정세미나 (Seminar on Politic-Administrative Theory of North Korea) 북한대외관계세미나 (Seminar on Foreign Relations of North Korea) 북한경제세미나 (Seminar on North Korean Economics) 북한대외무역세미나 (Seminar on North Korea's Foreign Trade) 북한사회체제세미나 (Seminar on the Social System of North Korea) 북한종교세미나 (Seminar on Religion in North Korea) 북한문화세미나 (Seminar on North Korean Culture) 북한예술세미나 (Seminar on the Arts of North Korea) 북한군사안보세미나 (Seminar on Military Defense & Security of North Korea) 남북통일정책세미나 (Seminar on Unification Policies of South and North Korea) 북한교육사세미나 (Seminar on the History of North Korean Education) 북한학교교육세미나 (Seminar on North Korean School Education) 논문작성세미나 (Seminaron thesis writing) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3) 3(3)