- Address
#125, Science and Technology Bldg. 2
T. 044-860-1603
약학대학은 약학 고유의 전문지식 및 실무능력과 국제적 소통 능력을 함양토록 해, 글로벌 리더로서 21세기형 전문약학인 양성을 목표로 설립되었습니다. 이를 위하여 신약 개발 연계 교육을 강화하며 국제경쟁력을 제고하도록 차별화된 특성화 전략을 수립하여 교육과 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.
본교 약학대학은 고려대학교의 약학 관련 학문 분야 및 인근의 오송/오창/대덕 연구단지내 식약청, 연구소 및 기업들과 유기적인 관계를 구축하여 충청광역권 신약개발 BT산업 클러스터 형성에 교육기관으로서 중심적 역할을 담당하고 있습니다.
In connection with the nearby Multi-functional Administrative City, Daedeok Special R&D Zone, Osong Biovalley and Ochang Scientific Industrial Complex, the College is providing and conducting professional and future-oriented education and research across all areas of pharmacy. In addition, we provide further reinforced clinical education through a clinical pharmacy education program based on cooperation with three hospitals under Korea University Medicine.
The College of Pharmacy has displayed outstanding performance to be continuously ranked among the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings. Currently, we are preemptively responding to interdisciplinary convergence and digital transformation by introducing the integrated six-year discipline with a goal to foster “pharmacists contributing to healthy life, global communication and cooperation leaders.”.
You are invited to join in the journey of the College of Pharmacy striving to foster future pharmaceutical talents.
- 직위
- 교수
- 전화
- 044-860-1614 (office), 044-860-1641 (lab)
- 학위
- 이학박사(University of Iowa)
- 전공
- 약물학/분자약리 (Pharmacology/Molecular Pharmacology)
- 홈페이지
- -
- 이메일
- spark123@korea.ac.kr
College of Pharmacy Departments | |
Dept. of Pharmacy | Dept. of Advanced Convergence Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Research Centers
College of Pharmacy Research Centers |
Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Research |